Monday, September 30, 2019

Bounded Rationality in Education

I am inspired most by the cognitive bias and the risk control of the decision- making while learning this course. Having been engaged in the financial industry for years, I am deeply aware of the fact that most individual investors tend to perform those bounded rationalities for characteristics of decision-making while making investment, but I can’t find out the reason for their existence.After learning this course, however, I feel suddenly enlightened. The phenomenon that has bothered me so long is caused under the influence of the cognitive bias and emotion which will affect the risk assessment and judgment made to the investment object. In western countries, most families make investment mainly in dominant financial assets including stock, bond, real estate and insurance and have strong awareness of the risk averse in above fields.Meanwhile, there’re many organizations and books about the decision-making that are referred to by the individual investor. In Chinese fam ilies, in addition to the above investment of the financial assets, the investment of the family education, as a special form which involves all Chinese people, takes a large proportion. This is because a long-term funding is made by parents ever since their kids are born as a result of the non-free education in China. Never let children lose at the starting line† and â€Å"education is the largest investment† are two popular education ideas in our country, which comprehensively inflect the current situation of Chinese families’ investment to the children education. As parents put the entire earning into their kids, a good return is surely expected. But since income is companied with risk, Chinese education investment, therefore, belongs to the risk investment and, meanwhile, has the specific characteristic that is not covered in western theory.The invest object in this essay is mainly about the education domain in China, I think it’s also necessary to app ly the theory of this course to avoiding the influence of the cognitive bias as well as the mental trap and the irrationality in the education investment. By introducing the behavioral motive of the education investors, I intend to master its pattern and make judgment of the irrational behavior, which, I believe, will help protect the interest of the family investor. FindingThe misunderstanding of the family education investment in China is generated mainly because investors, i. e. parents, make blind investment without thinking about their economic conditions, the investment risk as well as the personalized growth of their children. In traditional Chinese culture, parents’ education investment to their children is unconditional and selfless, which lead to a lack of scientific and rational planning as well as decision in the education investment in many families and, meanwhile, cause some misunderstandings.The â€Å"following blindly† phenomenon of purely pursuing high and abroad education is becoming more and more violent. Considering the cognitive bias of investors, the education investment with high expectation and input, instead of bringing expected return to the family members, leads to extra economic burden and, at the same time, might influence the development of the educatees’ career in the future.As attention has been paid to the generation of the misunderstanding of the education investment behavior, many scholars make analysis in terms of the government policies, the social environment, the high education and other macro level. Through learning the course, I, on the other hand, would like to say that the education investment is mainly from the cognitive bias while investors make their decision. The cognitive bias includes all kinds of decision-making bias caused by the restraint of investors’ cognitive psychology and external environment.The cognitive bias of the decision-making of the family education investment is gener ated under the influence of the external environment and socio-cultural background with the asymmetric information as well as the cognitive level and personal preference of investors, which causes the lean on Heuristic. Bazerman argued that the misapplication of heuristics to inappropriate situations leads people astray. It’s difficult to calculate the specific input and output of the family education investment in a quantitative way, resulting in the ambiguity of the assessment of the effect of the education investment.As there’re a large number of variables of the non-monetary cost-benefit in the education investment, our estimation has to be adopted to judge the cognitive part SYSTEM 1. Analysis Despite the difference in the investment object between the education and the traditional investment, the behavior of the education investment of a family which is as a micro investor, is subject to the risk of the expected return of the investment, the risk as well as the i nfluence of other corresponding factors, which has common character with the investment behavior in the decision-making.The science of behavior and decision-making, as a course between the marginality of the psychology and the economics, tries to involve the behavior of the irrational complex investors into the standard theory of the decision-making by making amendment to the assumption of the traditional management theory according to the research findings in the psychology. In our study, we find the decision-making theory laying more emphasis on people’s â€Å"bounded rationality†.It explains the investor behavior and makes it more close to reality based on the theories of the cognitive psychology and the behavioral science as well as related principles of the economics. Under the condition of uncertainty, some cognitive factors will influence people to make their decision. The most common way is to make decision by adopting â€Å"the elicitation method† by in vestors. It’s not easy to make a rational investment while facing the risk mainly because it can’t avoid the heuristic bias in the decision of the family education investment.The effect of the demonstration by example of the education investment income and the representativeness heuristic. Family investors usually care too much about the prominent, specific and typical information while neglecting the abstract and complex data. Therefore, parents often take typical cases learned through media as the foundation and reference for the decision-making, which might be influenced by the â€Å"representativeness heuristic bias†.For example, some families help their children study abroad considering the successful cases they know, though overseas study might not fit them at all. It is believed that people can find familiar modes to make judgment by assuming that the circumstance in the future is similar to that in the past without thinking about the reason of how those modes happen or the repeat probability of those modes. Decisions and judgments made under the condition of uncertainty are not accurately calculated and analyzed by using the probability theory in the assumption of the â€Å"Rational Man†.It is firmly convinced by investors with â€Å"representativeness bias† in the stock market that a â€Å"good company† can surely produce â€Å"good stock†, similarly some parents will believe that a â€Å"good school† can foster â€Å"good students†, which typically embodies the representativeness bias. The limitation of searching information by investors and the availability heuristic. Regarding the availability heuristic, some people think that it is generated due to the overwhelming memory and search bias, that is to say, not all information will be searched unbiasedly while related information is searched in memory.Decision makers of families tend to use information that is easy to access, so the limit ation in searching information is inevitable since people can’t have a comprehensive knowledge about the professional quality of education providers, the demand for the education products in future market as well as the state of educatee’s endeavor and intelligence. We can say that the characteristics of the information insufficiency and asymmetry really stand out.Besides, there’s a distinct asymmetry in the cost and benefit of the education investment caused by the hysteretic nature of the decision-making effectiveness of the education investment. The decision-making of the education investment, built based on the future expectation, is a subjective expected value by people. Information that is searched from memory in the first place will become the major foundation for people to make judgment and decision as this information has advantage in the stimulus frequency, novelty and vitality.For example, high education means high income. Studying at college is, on a whole, positively correlated to the income obtained by children in the future. Parents tend to compare their children with the group of the same age in the education level, usually with those accessible ones such as relatives, colleagues or those reported in news media. Compared with the complicated and boring calculation and prediction as well as the omnibearing information search that waste time and energy, people would rather picking common reference object as the decision foundation.Though it can simplify the process of decision-making and reduce its difficulty, the availability information has strong one-sidedness and bias can be seen in the behavior that the decision-makers pick the information itself. We can see from the above that the â€Å"availability bias† is a key factor not to be neglected in the misunderstanding of the family education investment. The competitive psychology and anchoring effect of the education investment.We often develop estimates by starting with an initial anchor that is based on whatever information is provided and adjust from the anchor to yield a final answer (Epley, 2004; Epley & Gilovich, 2001). Mussweiler and Strack (1999) showed that the existence of an anchor leads people to think of information that is consistent with that anchor. The competition in the education investment shows parents’ expectation for their children while the competitive psychology can influence decision-makers’ normal investment behavior owing to the negative effect caused by the anchoring effect.Decision-makers, for lack of the quantitative analysis, usually refer to the obscure reference foundation obtained from former experience and make comparison as well as judgment of the input and income from one or several points of view, which will become the key point in the decision-making of the education investment. The competitive psychology is necessary for the achievement of higher value in one’s life.Many families, how ever, ignoring the specific circumstance of educatees, take the education investment as an unrealistic comparison caused by the anchoring effect which influences the investors to rationally adjust the â€Å"anchored† object. The family decision-makers will decide the investment direction and level according to the â€Å"anchored† assessment result by choosing external reference objects which distract their normal decision-making. Therefore, an irrational conclusion is generated. The bias produced by the education investment object can direct influence the decision of the investee.That is to say, the cognitive bias of the decision of obtaining employment appears among graduates, which consequently lead to the output of the education investment that is less than the expected return. Firstly, We can see the bounded rationality of the graduate employment from their overconfidence. The overconfidence might be the most stable psychological feature of human being since it is indicated in many evidences that people tend to be overconfident for the estimation of the occurrence probability of uncertain events while making decision.Thus bolstered by the availability of supportive evidence, we overestimated the accuracy of our knowledge and the truth of our tentative hypotheses (Koriat, Lichtenstein, & Fischhoff,1980) This feature, however, can lead to an overestimation of their knowledge and ability, an underestimation of the existing risk as well as the exaggeration of their control ability of events and, what’s worse, the decision bias. Besides, the â€Å"Sheep-Flock Effect† that are based on information, reputation and reward can be found among graduates as a result of the herd mentality, which might influence graduates’ decision-making of obtaining employment as well.Second is the self-control bias. The so-called self-control means the control of emotion. Without the self-control, no rational decision can be made and, meanwhile, ind ividuals tend to attribute success to themselves while failure to others or objective conditions. In obtaining employment, the failure is usually attributed to non-self factors such as the recruitment policy of enterprises or the stronger backstage of others instead of to students themselves or to the fact of whether they fit such enterprise culture and work environment.With such bias, students, even though be hired by certain enterprise, will finally be eliminated due to their weak adaptation. Solutions Owing to the feature of the family education investment, the investor is not exactly the beneficiary. The beneficiary of parents’ education investment is their children while its decision-makers are parents, so the quality and cognitive level of parents have an important influence to the investment behavior. With the strategies of our literature (Bazerman, Chapter 11), I supposed to provide three of them to solve our problem and increase the effectiveness of investor’s decision-making processes.In our case, parents should firstly DEBIAS JUDGEMENT to unfreeze their basic knowledge and psychology about the education investment and, by making analysis of typical cases, be guided to know the source and harm of various blind education investment as well as to think about the decision process and behavioral characteristic of themselves so as to avoid the herd mentality. The second solution should be provide to those administration department of the public.They should strengthen the informatization construction, lay stress on the policy advocacy and the public opinion’s influence to the family education investment as well as construct the â€Å"rational† environment of the education investment. Provided investors have enough accurate information, it will help avoid the generation of the bias and reduce the frequency of bias behavior. Meanwhile, the public opinion department should increase the information channels as well as the number of information issued and its promptness and accuracy so that media can correct the bias of investors’ behavior.Finally, Using expertise or taking a outsider’s view can be a good choice for our investors. The planning and consulting industry of personal career and special agency of the family financial management should be rapidly developed to make up the lack of the cognition of investors. Owing to the long period length and the irreversibility of the education investment, family decision-makers have no chance to learn and improve their behavior one more time. In that case, a special agency should be adopted to guide decision-makers to be more rational by making analysis of their psychology.As the decision-making of the family education investment is traditionally seen as a family issue that can only be decided by family members, a special agency is needed to make planning and guidance of the behavior with strong sense of subjectivity and irrationality. In some developed countries, the career planning companies as well as the assessment and testing agencies for the personality development of students are set up to make up the limitation of decision-makers’ cognition about the educated.There are a large number of institutional investors in the financial field which grasp detailed and accurate information as well as solid professional theoretical knowledge since they are professional investment organizations operated by technical investment staff with rich experience, so they usually can secure their ends in the market by their advantages compared to those medium and small investors. The latter has more â€Å"irrational† factors than institutional investors.Every individual decision of the family education investment is like the â€Å"private investor† in the stock market while enquiry agencies equipped with professionals and technical evaluation software are like the â€Å"institutional investor† which can make put forwar d the advice of the rational education investment as well as the prediction of the future return on the basis of fully respecting the individualization growth of students through the scientific analysis made by professionals and the systematic evaluation with the help of professional software, in which way the misunderstanding of the behavior can be effectively avoided.Conclusion In this essay, we have introduced the investment of the education in China, as a special investing form which involves all Chinese people, belongs to the risk investment and, meanwhile, has the specific characteristic that is not covered in western culture. Since it’s difficult to calculate the specific input and output of the family education investment in a quantitative way, I depicted five typical cognitive biases to evaluate the misunderstanding in our investment. The first three biases the representativeness heuristic, availability heuristic and anchoring belong to the investor.But the bias abov e produced by the education investors can direct influence the decision of the investee. The overconfidence and self-control bias become the main biases of the students when they graduated from school. With such biases, the utilities of the output always take disappointment. Owing to the biases, I also provide some strategies of our literature to solve our investing problem and increase the effectiveness of investor’s decision-making processes. By using expertise or taking a outsider’s view and debias judgment, investors are able to unfreeze their mindset and provide their children a better decision in education.References: [1] Max H. Bazerman & Don A. Moore, 2009, Judgment In Managerial Decision Making, 7th Edition. [2] Tim Dalgleish & Mick J. Power, 2000, Handbook of Cognition and Emotion, WILEY [3] Tversky A, Kahneman D. , 1974, Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science. [4] Tversky A, Kahneman D. , 1972, Subjective probability: A judgment of repres entativeness. Cognitive psychology. [5] Shleifer, A. , 2000, Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Motivation Can Improve Team Outcomes Essay

After eight weeks of working with a group of six members, the most important learning experience was learning how to use motivation in a group work. Accurately apply motivation can improve team work efficiency and outcomes. This essay will provide a critical thinking about how to use motivation in a group and discuss which aspect need improvement when apply motivation in a group. In this task, will be concentrate on three areas to reflection and analysis about how to apply motivation in a group. They are ‘managing groups and teams’, ‘planning’ and ‘leadership’. From these three areas to disclose some practical experiences, and make these practical experience relate to management theories. The first section is discussed and analysis the special understanding about the stages of group development, why people join a group and how to use motivation impact people join a group. The second section is discuss and analysis planning process, why organization need to setting a clear goal and how setting goal can provide a motivation encourage people work hard and increase work efficiency. The last section is discussing and analysis the activity of leadership and how a good leader through all kinds of methods to create employee’s work motivation and stimulate employees work hard and efficient, help organization achieve goal. From these three section, it will be argued that suitable apply motivation in various management field, will increase our group work efficiency, improve work outcomes, and successful help group completed a high quality work, achieved the group’s high goal. Group already became a really popular work method in recent year. Lots of organisation and government department use team work to complete task, and achieved organisational goal. Team has all kinds of type, such as project team, management team, work team, virtual team and parallel team. Although team have various type, but the project team is the most popular type of team. Project team is include employees who group to solve a specific problems, develop a product, or in some other way focus their energies in a limited time task, when the task completed, the team will be disband (Davidson et al. 2009, p440). Our team work in the eight weeks period is project team, because we are together discuss some problems and solve it, together completed presentation during 8 weeks. When the presentation is completed in week 10, our team would disband. One group’s evolvement need passes through several stages. When the development of group passes through these stages, the group will be disbandment. A well-know model of group development is the sequential-stage theory. In this theory, the group or team develops through some stages of development. The theory’s model clear shows that there have five distinct stages to group development. The five stages are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The group development will follow the specifically order to completed (Davidson et al. 2009, p444). Everyone has their own motivation to join a group. Different people have different situation, people have variety of reasons to join a groups and teams. The first stage, forming, provides a platform so that everyone can have an opportunity to join any groups. According to a study by Robbins et al. (2006, p488), ‘Forming is the first stage of group development in which people join the group and then define the group’s purpose, structure and leadership’. So, it can be see that when the group development, the first things is people join the group. Therefore, motivation was occurred at the forming stage, because when people join a group, they usually have some motivations to join that group. Davidson et al. (2009, p442) state that people join groups and teams for a variety reasons, they often have some motivations to join a group. These motivations can be interpersonal attraction, group activities, group values and goals,needs satisfaction and instrumental benefits. From the evidence, it can be clear that when people join a group, they have some motivations. Such as person join a group, that group’s goal with the person’s goal same, and also people join a group because that group can satisfy people’s needs. Bosso (2003, pp399-403) claims that the reason of some organisation fail is because lots of organisational members leave organisation and find a new job in other organisations. Because the original organisation cannot give members lots of benefits, these benefits most are in terms of money. The organisation not has loyal members because it not has motivation to keep original members and attract new members. From the evidence, it can be see that people’s motivation to join an organisation is a really important factor for organisational success. If an organisation not have some special things to attract people, so people will be not join this group, because they are not have motivation to join the organisation. The organisation will be lost lots of talents and ultimately lead to failure. Our group work in week 2, we are also have some motivation to join a group. I am an international student, so I am joined a group have many local students. My motivation to join a group have many local students is because local students have language and cultural advantages, and also we all have a same task goal. This can make my work easier and more easily to achieve my task goals. With local students work together also can improve my English. So, my motivation to join that group is can help me to achieve the task goals and improve my English. We also have same motivation to form that group, the motivation is we are have same task goal. The same motivation make us work more happy and congenial, this can increase our work efficiency. When people work in a group, it also has some motivation to encourage people work more hard and efficient. For example, a group of people climbing a mountain, in this period tethered together can climb only as fast as its slowest member. From that example, the least capable group member tends to work harder than when working individually (Gockel et al. 2008, p1316). From the evidence, it can be see that people work in group, will be have stress to work harder. In a group, have most ability’s member also help other members work, make group work efficient and more easily achieve goal. In eight weeks group work, our group has some stresses to stimulate us work hard, this is a kind of motivation to make us work efficient. Therefore, from these analysis and practice experiences, management needs to clear understand what is people’s motivation to join an organisation then make organisation have some special things to attract talents join the organisation, this can help organisation more easier to success. Manager also needs make employees work in a group, because this can create motivation to encourage employees work hard, improve group work outcomes. Planning is an important part when people do a task. A good planning can directly affect group work efficiency and outcomes. There are at least four reasons to do a planning. Planning provides direction, reduces uncertainty minimises waste and redundancy and sets the standards used in controlling (Robbins et al. 2006, p238). These reasons can significantly reveal planning can give organisational or group’s work brings huge benefits. When manager do a plan, they need clear understand the environmental context. If managers do not understand the environmental context, they are unable to develop efficient plans. Understanding the environment is necessary the first step in planning (Davidson et al. 2009, p238). In an organisation, have many different kinds of plan. Plan generally includes three levels. They are strategic plans, tactical plans and operational plans. Strategic plans are the plans developed to achieve strategic goals. Tactical plans aimed at achieving tactical goals, is developed to implement specific parts of strategic plan. Operational plans focuses on implement tactical plans to achieve operational goals (Davidson et al. 2009, p243). From these kinds of plan, we can find these plans all is use to achieve some goals. So, an organisational goals setting also is a really important part in planning. Organisation setting goals have four important purposes. First, goals provide guidance and a unified direction for people in the organisation. Second purpose is goals can dramatically influence other areas of planning. Third purpose is goals can provide some motivations to employees of the organisation. The final purpose of goals is serving an effective mechanism for evaluation and control (Davidson et al. 2009, p239). These purposes make lots of managers set more suitable goals in organisation. Suitable goals can increase organisational work efficiency. However, from the group experiences that the motivation occurred in the third purpose, goals can provide some motivations to employees of the organisation. For example about athletes, Stratton (2005, p31) states that setting goals can increase athletes’ motivation, these motivations most are athletes internal motivation. These motivations can encourage athletes to develop new skills and strategies to improve performance. The goal can be all kinds of goals. Such as athletes hope become professional athletes or qualifying for the Olympics. When athletes have a goal, they will have motivation to encourage self training hard and improve skills to achieve the goals. Goals not only provide motivation to athletes, it also provides motivation to all kinds of people. Such as organisational employees and university’s students. When people have a goal, they will have motivation to work hard and improve work skills, ultimately achieve the goal. Motivation also occurred our group in week 4, we are doing a planning and setting group goals. When we setting the group’s goal, we decide set a difficult goals. We hope get a high mark in the presentation assessment. A difficult goal motivates our group work hard and improves work skills to increase our work efficiency. Although a goal difficult to achieve can provide a motivation to encourage people work hard thereby improve work efficiency, but if the goal is really difficult to achieve, this will be bring some negative impact to people’s motivation. Even people not have motivation to work. Shalley, Oldham and Porac (1987, pp553-554) argues that individuals who were assigned an easy goal, they will be easier to achieve the goal and not have motivation to work hard. But if the individuals assigned a goal is really difficult, no one can attained the goal, and this also make people not have motivation to work hard. Form the evidence, it can be see that if the people’s goals too easy or difficult, they will be not have motivation to work hard and improve work efficiency. Because the really easy goal people can easier to achieved, they do not need work hard, but if the goal is really difficult, nobody can attained it, people will think they cannot achieve the goal, then give up it and not have motivation to work. In our group, although we are decide the goal is difficult to achievement, but the goal is not too difficult, because this assessment not hard, we can through work hard and improve work skills to achieve the goal, get a high mark. From analysis these theories and relate practice experiences in group, manager should do a good planning and carefully setting goals in organisation, because a good planning can make organisation work have a logical structure and a suitable goal can provide motivation to employees, encourage employees work harder, thereby improve organisational work efficiency. Leadership is a really important part in management, most organisation attain success the leadership is the necessary factor. A good leadership can make organisation more solidarity, have a logical structure to work, thereby improve organisational work efficiency. Although Management and leadership have some relations, but leadership is not similar managership. Manager and leader have some basic distinctions. Managers are focus on accomplish goal, through planning, organising and controlling to make organisation achieve orderly results. Leaders are focus on influence, through guide in direction, uild commitment and convince others of a vision to change organisation, make organisation work more effective, and improve organisation outcomes. Some of the basic distinction between leadership and management conclude for four main activities. The four main activities are creating an agenda, developing a human network for achieving the agenda, executing plans and outcomes (Davidson et al. 2009, pp351-352). However, one leader’s behaviour can significantly impact employees work situation and efficiency. Different leader have different attitude about how to affect an organisation work. They are using all kinds of method to change group work situation, increase group work efficiency, make group better, and ultimately help group achieve goals. Motivation is a really important method when leader lead a group work, they often use motivation to encourage employees work hard, thereby improve group work efficiency. Leader can apply all kinds of method to provide motivation to encourage employees work. Such as reward, when employee perfect completed a task and only use a little bit time to achieved group’s goal, the leader will be give the employee some rewards. These rewards can motivate other employees work hard because employees will think if they perfect complete the task, they also can get reward. Leaders’ behaviour can direct impact employees’ work motivation, may be some smalls behaviours also can make employees have motivation to work hard, such as daily communication. Jamail (2009, p13) states that, in everyday’s morning, when leader go to the office, walk around and talk to every person, try to remember every person’s name and know their work situation, pump up employees, these can make employees have motivation to work hard and improve their work efficiency. From this evidence, it can be see that some small behaviours of leader also can affect employees work efficiency. In everyday’s work, leader only needs to spend some times to communicate with their employees, pump up employees, know their work situation and help them solve some problems. These can make employees think their leader regard them, is a good leader and have confidence to complete a good work. So, employees will be having motivation to work hard. Therefore, leader can through communication to know employees’ work situation and provide motivation to employees, encourage employees to work hard and improve group outcomes. Leader through daily communication to provide employees’ work motivation, the motivation language also is an important method to motivate employees work hard. Mayfield (2009, p9) argues that a high level of motivation language can significantly improved employee performance, increase employee’s work efficiency. Such as empathetic speech, when employee does a hard task, the leader can talk to this employee â€Å"you can do it†, these can make the employee have confidence to do the task, thereby motivate employee work hard and more effective. When employee completed a task, leader also can say â€Å"Good job†, this also can make the employee have confidences to do other tasks, improve the employee’s work motivation. In our group, we have a serious problem. Our group not has a clear leadership, we do not decide who is our group’s leader. When we work together, our group has a member really lazy, she didn’t work hard. But our group not have a leader, nobody to monitor the member work and also nobody to provide motivation to the member encourage she work hard. So, that dramatically affected our group work efficiency, postpone our group’s work progress. Through the group experiences and management theories, leader is really important to a group, because group leader can through daily communication and motivation language to provide motivation to their employees, encourage employees work hard and increase work efficiency, thereby improve group outcomes. In conclusion, it can be concluding that motivation is a really important part in management. It can occur in all kinds of management theories. Through 8 weeks group work, find motivation occurs in people form a group, setting group goal and planning and leader change a group. Manager need clear to understand what are people’s motivations to join a group, and make group have charm to attract talent join. These can help group success. Managers also need make employees work in a group, because work in a group can have some stresses to motivate employees work hard, improve organisation outcomes. If manager want their group work effective, they can setting a suitable group goals. Suitable group goals can motivate group work hard. Manager also need make group have a leader, because group leader can use daily communication and motivation language to provide motivation to members, encourage group members’ work hard and improve group outcomes. Therefore, manager clear understand motivation and accurate use motivation can directly improve group outcomes.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Overview of Perry Street Restaurant Found in New York Essay

Overview of Perry Street Restaurant Found in New York - Essay Example The paper will give the restaurants URLs date and time of our reservation, people we will be dining with, our dining experience expectation and other pertinent information about Perry Street restaurants. Going through different reviews, I could only find a few negatives and so many positives. Additionally, the restaurant was crowded even though their prices were a bit higher than expected. This is usually an indication of quality services and or good food. Most Jean Georges establishment has a reputation for quality service and good food. This made me feel that Perry Street would not disappoint. Also, the ambience and atmosphere at Perry Street were more than I expected; even though the restaurant was crowded, you could see that the place was neat and well arranged. This usually signals a good restaurant. The servers at the restaurant knew what was in their menu, they were not mealy doing recitals about the food they are serving. Also, the servers were formally dressed and clean, a clear indication that the restaurant cared about how its people looked like. These factors and others made me decide on Perry Street. Perry Street is located in the Richard Meir Towers on 176 Perry Street New York. It is a fairly new restaurant and was opened in 2005. Their URLs are and The websites employ an easy to use, fun, clear and informative interface. Perry Street is a bit casual dining restaurant with a mix of fine dining. Its head chef is Jean Georges Vongerichten and the restaurant belongs to the Jean Georges establishments. Jean Georges establishments are three and four-star restaurants of savvy restaurateur and businessman Jean Georges Vongerichten.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Declaration of Independence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Declaration of Independence - Essay Example The British ruler of the time was attempting to defend the interests of the British throne which was, at this time, slowly beginning to have significantly less global influence than in previous years. To compensate for lost global territories and shrinking revenues, the British king relied heavily on the commercial and agricultural taxations from America to secure longevity for the crown. Fed up with the constant British involvement in all business and social affairs, the Declaration of Independence was drafted as a formal recognition of insolence against the presence of British representatives in the country. The Declaration of Independence spelled out the entirety of their complaints against the British king who, at the time, often refused to hear the requests of American representatives about a multitude of issues that affected the social well-being or economic stability of various businessmen and the whole of regular society. At the same time, the crown was actively â€Å"quartering large bodies of armed troops among (them)† (Jefferson, 1776), which caused civil concerns about issues of safety and injustice. This was the king’s attempt to maintain a military presence in many territories because of rumors about potential civil and governmental unrest against the crown. This formal list of complaints was constructed on the back of numerous efforts to persuade the king to give the nation more liberty in controlling their own financial or social agendas, meeting with nothing but increased presence and increased taxation or tariff generation. Had the document been written in short, direct language, it would have failed to get the point across that the majority of citizens and politicians were beyond wearied with their unanswered pleas toward justice and that they simply would no longer abide by British law whatsoever. By this time, the nation had developed its own infrastructure that supported ongoing invention and abided

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nursing Care in Patients with Brittle Asthma Essay

Nursing Care in Patients with Brittle Asthma - Essay Example These circumstances influenced the creation of this paper where the author will discuss chronic asthma, emerging issues relative to the disease, and nursing approach to the identified issues to facilitate nursing care. Asthma attacks take the life of over 1,100 patients every year (Anderson 2007) and 0.05% of this population comprises of patients who suffered from brittle asthma (Ayres 1998). Brittle asthma is a phenotype classification of asthma coined by Turner-Warwick in 1977 as an asthmatic condition with maintained wide variation in peak expiratory flow (PEF) despite high doses of inhaled steroids. After Turner-Warwick’s revelation sprung several more definition from authors who aims to give the condition a more precise identity. Garden and Ayres (1993) claim that a more concise manner to define it would be â€Å"patients with a defined and persistent marked diurnal variation in PEF despite multiple drug treatment.† Nevertheless, this implies a chronic illness with no effective treatment available leaving the patient filled with pain and suffering from dyspnoea. Ayres (1998, p.315) classified brittle asthma into two. The first one is Type 1 brittle asthma, which is characterised by a sustained wide PEF variability over a period of at least 150 days regardless of extensive medical treatment. The other one is Type 2 brittle asthma considered as abrupt acute attacks taking place in less than three hours. This type may occur even on a seemingly normal airway function or a well-controlled asthma. Between the two, Type 1 patients are more likely to be on emergency and admitted on hospitals due to its severe acute attacks and its need for a more intensive treatment. This group of patients with brittle asthma requires greater amounts of medications compared to the other forms of asthma. Most needs prolonged oxygen therapy and higher doses for steroids and bronchodilators. Biomedical management mostly involve steroids, subcutaneous ?2 antagonist, long acting inhaled ?2 antagonist, and adrenaline, which are all costly if given in a longer period and higher doses. On the course of therapy, the patients often suffer from the effects of prolonged drug exposure such as osteoporosis, weight gain, and oesophageal reflux to name a few (Ayres 316). Physical morbidity is tantamount to all chronic illness and its psychosocial counterpart is always present too. Garden and Ayres (1993, p.503) discussed the psychosocial effects of brittle asthma to a person. They suggested that prolonged chronic illness develop traits such as anxiety, nervousness, sensitivity, denial, lower self-esteem and obsession. These trait alterations acclaimed to be due to extremely difficult management. Many of them have run out of therapeutic options and patience and eventually stop seeking medical consult from their physicians. Poor compliance and worsening condition follows from these actions of hopelessness. Studies found out that these patients lacks self confide nce in managing attacks, believes their doctors less, and has an increased feeling of disgrace. Another testified that patients with highest morbidity from asthma often time hesitate in seeking help from clinicians during acute attacks while others do not strictly comply on usage of bronchodilators or still continue to do prohibited habits such as smoking or exposure to allergens (Smith, et al. 2005). â€Å"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Speech Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Speech - Personal Statement Example According to Coleman, this culture began back in 2007 when a group of enthusiastic computer programmers and hackers began organized internet attacks on organizations or individuals who acted contrary to the societal expectations. I particularly noted with interest how anonymous graduated from internet to street based protests. The culture developed from social to political activism and even went further to activism against individuals1. Pervasive anonymity is perhaps the most notable element of this cultural phenomenon. I concur with Coleman that, it is difficult to predict the future trends of anonymous since the culture propagates spontaneously by taking advantage of emerging technology. I however found it difficult to synthesize the ethical issues regarding this anonymous cultural phenomenon. This is because we need global whistleblowers that are always alert on objects of societal oppression. On the other hand, their actions may not be justified since there are diplomatic channels in which societal issues can be addressed. It is difficult to discern the ideological consistency of their actions. How such a culture functions ethically and logically is perplexing. However, it is at least obvious from Coleman that anonymous would heavily retaliate to anyone threatening their

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The interface to a mobile (wireless) webcamera Essay

The interface to a mobile (wireless) webcamera - Essay Example In addition, a camera or a TV receiver can be added to the mobile communication terminal to display a moving picture. A mobile communication terminal equipped with the camera can display the moving picture and a still picture by taking a photograph of an object, and can also transmit a photographed image to other mobile communication terminals. in this way we can able to display the moving picture if any camera or a TV receiver can be added to the mobile communication terminal which have some high speed data and communication and voice communication will also be attended by using a mobile communication terminal. However, when taking a photograph by using the camera of the mobile communication terminal, a user must manually push a button on the camera body to activate a camera shutter. Therefore, if a user wants to take a photograph of himself/herself by using the camera of the mobile communication terminal, the user will have to stretch and extend his/her hand that is gripping the mobile communication terminal to a proper camera range and push the camera shutter activation button. Accordingly, although the user can take a photograph of his or her face or other body part, it is impossible to photograph the user's entire body when the user takes a photograph of him/her using the camera of the mobile communication terminal. by using the camera of the mobile communication terminal, the user will have to stretch and extend his/her hand that is gripping the mobile communication terminal to a proper camera range and push the camera shutter activation button.3. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION - Accordingly, the present invention has been made to solve the above-mentioned problems occurring in the prior art, and an object of the present invention is to provide a mobile communication terminal capable of taking a photograph by using a remote-controlled camera equipped therein

Monday, September 23, 2019

Hedley Bull And the Presence of the International Society Essay

Hedley Bull And the Presence of the International Society - Essay Example This report stresses that there are situations where despite a war taking place, no state is able to achieve victory, thus reaching a stalemate. Under such circumstances, both of these states take an active role in ensuring that the order is retained within the international society because long wars might lead to the collapse of the state. This paper has attempted to agree with Hedley Bull’s statement that the international society has always been a part of the world political system. The international society has been based on the actions of states to make sure that their principal interests are catered for while at the same time protecting their existence. In addition, within the world political system, the international society has been in existence mainly through the influence of powerful states over weaker ones. Moreover, throughout history, the world has been dominated by a need to ensure a balance of power so that the state systems that had developed could be protected. It is also essential to note that the international society has been developed through the willingness of states to ensure that they adhere to international laws. Furthermore, diplomacy plays a crucial role in the formation of an international society because it allows for the development of constant contact between the governments of diff erent states. Finally, despite its chaotic nature, war has always been an important factor in the formation of international society throughout history as seen through the various conflicts between states that have eventually resulted in stable systems.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Landfills paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Landfills - Term Paper Example A landfill must be easily accessible for transport by road. The land value is also considered during the construction of a landfill. Government requirements must be met. The community location is also another important factor in the design of a landfill (Tchobanoglous, 1993). Usually a landfill is built on a pit with existing holes being filled in the ground. A canyon is also a good place for building a landfill. The waste is piled above the ground using a mound. Geological stability is an important factor in the design of a landfill. Water table and location of rivers can also create stable landfills. The landform is compared with the restoration profile to calculate the capacity of the landfill. The amount of daily cover and density of wastes are factors that base the capacity. Other factors considered are the thickness of capping and construction of drainage layers. Intermediate cover and construction of lining layers is also important for the capacity of a landfill. Soil and water are protected using liner and collection systems. Protection is further achieved by storm water control, leachate management and landfill gas management. The costs for the design of a landfill are conducted by feasibility studies and site investigations. There are small areas for confining wastes in non hazardous waste landfills. Wastes are compacted to reduce their volume and covered with layers of soil (Tchobanoglous, 1993). A single cell is filled in the area for the landfill. Contamination by leachates migrating through the geological formation is prevented by a rubberized landfill liner that is exposed on the left. Waste collection vehicles are present at a weigh bridge. The load is inspected for wastes that are not in accord with the landfill's waste acceptance criteria. The load is unloaded at the existing road network. Dozers are used to spread and compact the waste. The wheel cleaning facility allows the waste collection vehicles to pass through. The daily waste tonnage is calculated and listed in databases during the weighing process. Many landfills have railroad containers. This allows landfills to be located at remote sites. Solid covers the waste in the landfill. There are alternative waste cover materials which can be sprayed on foam products. Temporary blankets, chipped wood and bio solids can also be used as daily cover. A daily cell is the space occupied by compacted waste and cover material. Waste compaction plays a vital role in extending the life of the landfill. Waste densities are affected by waste layer thickness and number of passes. Landfills have been developed using land re-use strategies. There are some adverse impacts of landfills. They can be fatal accidents and infrastructure damage. They can also cause pollution, contamination of ground water and harboring of disease vectors. Vehicles accessing a landfill can also generate environmental noise and dust. The best way to tackle these issues is during the planning stage. Access routes and landfill geometrics are beneficial in mitigating these issues. Daily cover protocols can be helpful in combating vector control (Tchobanoglous, 1993). A secure landfill is a carefully engineered depression in the ground. The aim is to prevent any hydraulic connection between the wastes and the surrounding environment. A bottom liner, leachate collection system, cover and hydro geologic

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Dickinson and William Cullen Bryant, Contemplation of Death Essay Example for Free

Dickinson and William Cullen Bryant, Contemplation of Death Essay Between the 17th and 19th centuries, the world paid witness to an intellectual and philosophical revolution that forever changed the perception of life itself. The Great Awakening caused people to become more in tune with their spiritual self, and the Great Enlightenment caused people to question, to think, and to pursue the unknown. This new wave of thinking, helped writers of the Romantic and Transcendent era, such as William Cullen Bryant, and Emily Dickinson, express their feelings of life. Thanatopsis†, by William Cullen Bryant, and â€Å"Because I could Not Stop for Death†, by Emily Dickinson, both exemplify the indisputable facts, that death is an inevitable, natural part of life, and there is no reason to be afraid of death. Even though the two poems both share the same underlying themes, they are presented in different ways. William Cullen Bryant and Emily Dickinson both perpetuated their belief that death is inevitable, but in very different ways. In â€Å"Thanatopsis†, by William Cullen Bryant, he expresses that death inevitable, by explaining that eventually, everyone dies, and that it is essentially part of a â€Å"life cycle†. Death is inevitable no matter whom you are, and everyone will die. He accentuates this idea when he says, â€Å"Thou shalt lie down with patriarchs of the infant world – with kings, the powerful of the earth, the wise the good † (Lines 33- 35). Cullen uses this line to say that no matter who you are, everyone has the same fate. We all end up the same, as he says in lines 25-28, â€Å"Thine individual being, shalt though go, to mix forever with the elements, to be a brother of the insensible rock†. Dickinson, however, presents her belief that death is natural in a completely different way. Dickinson believed that death was a part of the cycle of death. In lines 9-12, Dickinson stated, â€Å"We passed the School, where Children strove, at Recess- in the Ring – We passed the Fields of Grazing Grain – We passed the setting sun†. These lines are metaphors for the stages of life, from childhood to maturity to old age and then death. Dickinson presented those metaphors, to say that her â€Å"carriage ride with death†, was just another stage. We all are once young, we all will grow, and we will all die. Another difference between the two authors expressing that life is inevitable is that Bryant simply believes â€Å"shalt though go mix forever with the elements†, while Dickinson believes, â€Å"Were toward eternity†. Bryant believes that death is final, and Dickinson is perhaps more religious, and believes that there is still life after death. Even though William Cullen Bryant and Dickinson got their point across in different ways, they both were able to express their belief that death is certain. Even though Bryant and Dickinson have very different writing styles, they both further accentuate their belief that death is inevitable by writing about how life is short. Bryant writes about how life is short in lines 17-20 when he says, â€Å"Yet a few days, and thee all beholding sun shall see now more†. This means that in just a short amount of time, you will no longer be here, your life will end, and your â€Å"sun† will burn out, ceasing to exist. There is no way around it. Dickinson is able to express this idea, in a completely different way. From lines 14- 16 Dickinson said, â€Å" The Dews drew quivering and chill ,For only Gossamer, my Gown , My Tippet , only Tule â€Å". When Dickinson says this, she is using her clothing to have an even deeper meaning; A Gossamer is a thin, light cloth, and â€Å"my tippet, my tule†, means that â€Å"my shawl was only a fine net cloth†. She dressed lightly, even though it was cold out, ( â€Å" the dews drew quivering and chill† ) because it would not take death long to take her on the carriage ride, watching her life pass her by. Life is short, and death is inevitable. The carriage ride throughout her life will come to an end, which is why she did not dress properly. Although Bryant and Dickinson have very different writing styles, they are both able to express how they believe that death is inevitable by writing about how life is short. Usually, when an author writes about death, the writing is dark, and brooding. However, â€Å"Thanatopsis†, and â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death†, both offer solace that death is nothing to fear. William Cullen Bryant says we are to live so that when it is time for us to die; we should not fight it, but welcome it. We should not be afraid like a slave at night in a dungeon but instead we should be sustained an soothed with an unfaltering trust approaching our grave like one who wraps the covers from his bed around him and lies down to pleasant dreams, as Bryant says from lines 73 – 81, â€Å"So live, that when thy summons comes to join , The innumerable caravan, which moves , To that mysterious realm, where each shall take , His chamber in the silent halls of death,  Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night, Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed, By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave , Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams. â€Å" Bryant is simply saying that we should welcome death, and look forward to it, for it is nothing to fear. Dickinson is able to offer solace by personifying death from lines 1-8, â€Å" Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me, the carriage held but just ourselves, and immortality, we slowly drove, he knew no haste, and I had put away, my labor and my leisure too , for his civility. Dickinson personifies death as a kind, civil man. He waited for her, did not rush her, and he respected her. Dickinson personifies death as a gentleman; to express that death should not be feared, because there is no reason to be afraid. Although many writings about death are very dark, and pessimistic, â€Å"Thanatopsis† and â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death†, are both very comforting, but in very different ways. The new wave of thinking during the 19th centuries, helped Romantic and Transcendent era authors such as William Cullen Bryant, and Emily Dickinson express their thoughts of death, in a way that it had not previously been expressed. â€Å"Thanatopsis† and â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† both exemplify the same indisputable facts, that death is an inevitable, natural part of life, and there is no reason to be afraid of death. Even though the two poems both share the same underlying themes, they are presented in different ways. Bryant accentuates his belief that death is inevitable saying that eventually, we all die, no matter whether royalty, or a peasant. Dickinson is able to do this by giving a metaphor to various stages of life, which is to say, that death is just another stage. Death is part of the cycle. Bryant also pointed out that life is short, by giving an analogy to not seeing the sun any more. Dickinson did this by stating that she was underdressed for her ride passing through her life, because it was short, and she knew she would soon die, and go onwards towards eternity. Both Bryant and Dickinson offer solace about death. Bryant offers solace by saying that there is no need to worry, but that we should embrace it. Dickinson offers solace by personifying death, calling him civil, and kind, to accentuate her belief that there is nothing to fear. William Cullen Bryant and Emily Dickinson were two of the greatest writers of their time, and both wrote about the same underlying themes, but expressed them in completely different ways.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Strategic Objectives Of Operations Management Within Organization Commerce Essay

Strategic Objectives Of Operations Management Within Organization Commerce Essay Operations management is the area of business; it deals with the production and services. It involves the responsibility of the business operations are efficient with the help of using small resources as needed. It is the process that converts inputs into outputs in the form of product and services. Operation management is the heart of the organization by controlling the operations of the system. It deals with the operation, design and improvement the quality of systems product and services. Operations management, marketing and finance are the functional field of the business with management responsibilities. The importance of operations management in every business organizations activity attached and it plays important role to ensure that organization achieve their objectives and goals or not. Honda Motors is an automobile company which produces bikes and cars. To managing every business activity it requires necessary operations management techniques. To ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the organization Honda Motors uses operations management. How to well resources like human expertise, machines efficiency and materials are use to improve organizations performance. The company is having primary objective of to earn maximum profit. The company reduces cost of the production using multiple new technologies. The company must have objective to increase productivity by using minimum resources. Honda Motors have effectiveness and efficiency because they fully utilised worker productivity, proper utilization of resources, and management techniques. Honda Motors use operations management for proper utilization of its products and services management. Wide range of management activities is having product or service management, new ideas for the product to provide support to customers who purchased the new Honda product. Product management conducts by every organization whether it is done intentionally or unintentionally. Honda Motors uses it expert skill for to improving production techniques, quality improvement, marketing through advertise and magazines to introduce new products in the market place. Strategic objectives of Honda Motors Fig: Strategic Management Strategic management is nothing but of the art of implementing and evaluating well decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objective. Setting organizations objective is one of the most important and challenging task. The success and failure of the organization depends upon the setting of the strategic objectives. Strategic objectives are set for longer period. In Honda Motors strategic objectives set for three to five years. Honda Motors understand their internal capabilities as well as environment .Strategic objectives plan gives guidelines and directions to Honda Motors for where to start and where the organization is going. Another objective is to motivate the managers and team members for giving reward when they are taking initiative for to progress of the organization. The objective setting helps to evaluate the success of Honda Motors in the strategic planning. Tool for analysis of the strategic objectives SWOT Analysis SWOT tool is widely used in organization for strategic planning, SWOT analysis is basic guide for strategic planning. If management is provide proper information about objective then this tool very useful for the company. SWOT analysis finds capabilities and its internal position by identifying the companys strengths and weaknesses. Once the organization identified its strengths and weaknesses then it should determine the importance of each factor. Management team must make analysis of all strength and weaknesses and find the level of these strength and weaknesses. The importance of these strengths and weaknesses should be identified. SWOT Analysis of Honda Motors Strengths High RD Innovation Market share leadership in smart segment Strong brand equity Unique products Production system that is refined over the years Weaknesses High cost structure compared to China   Company depends on profits coming from throughout the world, thus subject to global economies performance. Opportunities Now a day, Customers continuously increased interest into less fuel consuming and minimum pollution cars, Honda Motors having powerful RD to develop these types of cars for taking more and more benefit of the market. Customers required quality product with paying minimum cost. Honda motors taking this advantage having his product minimum cost and best quality as compare to other products. Threats Economic slowdown due the financial crisis in 2008 External changes (government, politics, taxes, etc.) Lower cost competitors or imports from Performance operations, objectives of the company An organization success is depends on three major factors that is product quality, cost, and speed. In todays market trend every customer focuses on these three things of the product. If any companies product quality is good, and cost is also minimum with having good comfort as compare to other products then your products demand increase in market place. This will helps to organization for long term sale of the particular product. For maintaining all these things, companys operation management must be good. Organization must be achieving objectives with help of strategic planning. Honda Motors having good operations management, to achieve objective of the organization. Strategic objective planning helps to achieve organization objectives. To maintain good product quality Honda motors uses operations management. With the help of operations management organization finds his dependability of the production, and it also helps to organization how to fulfil the dependability of the organiz ation. Honda Motors have flexible and powerful operations management for making quality products. Honda Motors every year make survey of the market for the understanding current market needs. After the analysis of the survey Honda Motors decides his strategic objectives and these objectives organization achieve by using good operations methodology. In todays market place Honda Motors having powerful brand because of company produce quality product and sale the product with minimum price as per the market needs. Company launch his product in a market with having good quality, comfort, and minimum price as compare to competitors products. Flexibility is most important part of the organization, organization must make changes into the product as per the market requirement and this is achieved by good operations management of the company. Flexibility is very helpful for companys success. With the help of operations management organization achieve strategic objectives. If company having p owerful operations management in a company, it will automatically achieve organizational strategic objectives. Honda Motors always take this advantage and achieve his strategic objectives. [1][2] Systems to ensure quality of product and services Business Process Management In the competitive world every organization creates different products from the competitors for to secure business in the market place. Quality management is the need for todays business environment. In these days consumer can choose variety of similar products, but consumer select which are different from others. If customer not satisfied with this product performance they switch to this brand. Thus the organization must focus on customers needs and wants and differentiation of the quality from the other number of competitors. Customer satisfaction is most important for build up brand loyalty and this helps for long term sales. To complete specific business outcome business process used set of easy or difficult business oriented tasks. A business process typically starts with a specific need and end with outputs in the form of product and services. Many business processes are sometimes developed by accident, in these processes no real thought in how those processes were developed. In some instances many processes developed in case of changes in technology, environment, policy, and market trends. Whether the processes developed by intentionally or by accidently almost every process need to improvement of the quality of the product or services. For improving these processes organization must make a strategic decision or planning when they will not improve or change. Business process improvement is a systematic strategic approach to improving organizations business processes and product quality and services. Many times these processes required inputs from internal departments in the organization or outside the organization like inputs from customers or suppliers. Organization must get the customers current requirement about quality, cost and comfort about product and service. Identify new processes or alternative process to make desired output faster, less costly, improve quality of the product. Business process Management tools In the market there are many business process management software solutions are available. Following some of the business process management applications are as follows: Pegasis system Savvion Lombardi Oracle IBM Appian Software AG To finding the solution buyers should perform an extensive search that meets the organizations long term needs and long term direction for the company there are many more systems are commonly used.BMP solutions having few existing standards. Some of the standards used are Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), XML process definition language (XPDL). With the help of business process management solutions, it helps to organization to improve all business processes and quality of the product and services. It also helps to increase efficiency of the employees and also helps to find organization strengths and weaknesses. Business process management can apply to improvement of all business process activities. It can help to identify gaps in existing processes. It can help to development of new innovative processes which helps to increase product quality and services, whether you are working on improvement of employee efficiency process or improvement of production system process. Quality audit system The internal quality audit is the mechanism with the help of this operation of the quality management system is monitored and similar with the documented quality system is assured. Audits done by the auditors, auditors are appointed by the company for the Organizations functions or procedures being audited. Through the internal audit effectiveness of the quality system is gathered. The main purpose of the quality system is to verify quality of the product and services as per the organizations standard. Internal quality audit is very good for to increase effectiveness of the organization. Approaches to Auditing Vertical Auditing Horizontal Auditing Vertical audit looks at particular function or department. These types of audit monitor all the activities and procedures in the particular department. Internal audit are generally vertical audits. Horizontal audit follows start to end process. These types of audit look at procedures as they support the process itself and are likely to period many different departments. The internal quality audit system is a documented system covering the planning, execution and follow-up of quality audits carried out within the scope of the quality management system. It is part of the quality management system itself. Internal quality audit system having three functions (required by the ISO 9000) Management Representative Internal Quality Auditors Management Review Body All these three elements required by ISO 9000 but the method and implementation style of the internal quality audit system (IQAS) is not compulsory. The IQAS needs the corrective action system to be effective. An internal quality audit requires involvement of the organizations senior management peoples. This requires expert on the management team or the management representative. The management representative is the link between the operating quality management system and the company management through the management review function. The management representatives continuously focus on those problems which cannot be solve at any level. These problems may be detected through normal quality control activities, but these problems will also detect at the time of internal audits. The management representative is responsible for ensuring requirement of the organization in terms of policy, objective and supporting procedures are implemented and maintained. Quality manager is also responsibl e for organizations day to day activities. The role of quality manager is must fulfil these responsibilities. The quality manager must make good relationship with the workers. The quality manager must not have conflicts between workers or team. The quality manager is responsible for selecting, training and managing the quality auditors, managing internal audits, monitoring the implementation of the audit schedule and give report to the top management peoples. How many auditors required for auditing its depend on the size of the organization. The scope of the quality management system and the different functions carried out into the quality management system. For example manufacturing company having manpower 800 peoples, and spread over 3 sites, it could manage with a 24 internal auditors team and quality management system covered all the major functions. When the auditors take a audit in the organization at that time they must be independent. This prevents conflicts and internal politics which may be generates wrong results. Auditing is about communication with the peoples and listening about processes. Auditor must be good listener. The auditor must have good knowledge to ask the right questions for getting the required information. Implementation of the quality audit system The audit conducted as per the particular objective base and quality system and standard base. It is conducted by the auditors independently where they are auditing. This means when audit is conduct there must not include internal conflicts and politics which generate wrong results for the auditor. The typical process of audit will include: In first stage i.e. preparation stage during this stage auditor makes a list of functions to be audited. Deciding the scope of the audit. Preparing proper list of the questions to be covered during the audit. The manager or supervisor of the function being audited, it must be first receive copy of the list of the audit. The audit processes generally start with the meeting to clarify the scope of the audit. To everyone familiar with the audit process this stage is very short. During the audit noted any non-conformances and cross referenced to either the standard. The process of the audit will closes with taking meeting with auditee to agree the non conformances, and discuss about taking corrective actions and decide dates for actions to be completed. Solutions and the corrective actions and dates for the completion will all in the form of audit report. Once the audit is completed report should be prepared within 24 hours. The audit is not considered as closed until organization take corrective actions have been completed and auditor confirms all taken actions. If the Follow audit is not complete auditor must take re-audit start from the first process and find useful solutions. Ways to introduce new quality culture Company, Suppliers and customers we are all in together When company follows this culture means we are all this together, reminds everyone how individuals success depends on company success and the companys success depends on how everyone doing their work well. This type of environment helps to identify everyone is a part of organization and having personal identity. Its also support for teamwork with the teams. It will help to company for create strong employee loyalty. Open, Honest communication is important Sympathy In the organization everyone has problems regarding to personal, social, or any problem in organization work. Managerial person must having sense and appreciation about the employee when employee having any problem. Listening Sometimes some peoples not listen to others. Peoples try to say what on their minds, they try to say how they are right and others are wrong, but no one wants listens him, sometimes this will creates organizations big loss. Because whatever they try to say which is very beneficial for the organization. The manager must have encouraged open and honest communication. This will support to making powerful decisions against the problems by involving everyones views in the organization. Different peoples having different views and ideas, if in organization having facility to listen everyones view and ideas then it will very useful for organizations success. Focus on Processes Every organizations success depends on how efficient processes done in the organization. Organization must focuses on processes because all processes in the organization not going well, it will automatically affects on product quality and hence it will affects on product sale. If organization wants success, it must have proper controls on all organizations processes. This will helps everyone to understand the importance of teamwork and cooperation to each other and the independence of the work. This helps to improvement of the quality using efficient quality tools and measure process performance and teamwork. Organization must monitor every process and by making changes into the processes increase efficiency, accuracy and speed to increase the productivity. If processes or plans are predefined in a company its outcome is always beneficial for a company, because management focuses on the processes which executed as per the requirements or plans, it helps to improve the productivity an d also quality. [6][3][8] Improve organizational performance Identify problems and opportunities for improvement In Honda Motors organizations work activities have done with the help of operations management activities for to achieve organizations objectives. Organization fixes objectives with the help of strategic planning. Company facing some problems in production system, but company continuously research on these problems and try to improve production speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the product. Company having good RD team for making continuously research on product quality and try to find solutions which increases product quality better than current quality. It helps to organization maintain position in the current market. In todays market customers required more fuel efficient cars, this is the big opportunity to Honda making cars with maximum fuel efficient with maintaining good quality of the product. Organization improvement Every organization produce product as per the current market need, and try to giving good quality product with minimum cost for improving product sale and secure place in market. Organizations objectives must set with the help strategic planning which helps for success. If the organization objectives set as per the market trend and need then it will helps to reduce variation between what customers want and what product and services deliver. Any product sale depends on how this product fulfils the customers requirement. When any organization produces any product, company must be making survey of the market and try to find out what the need of customers. Because what customers and stakeholders required and what product company delivers this is very important for organizations success. If the company produce any product which not fulfils customers need it will results customer leave this product, this will affect on product sale and companys status in the market. Implications of proposed changes within the organization. Organizational change it is nothing but of changing current work routines by introducing new rules and systems into the operation. Organizational change is very difficult because the regular routine activities not support to change. Organizational change also not directly supports because company working in current set environment which is not easily supports to the change. To compete with the competitors in the market every organization must make changes in the organization. Using new technologies and innovations produce quality product which will compete with the competitors product. Change in organization is very helpful for organization success. If the organizations proposed change implements properly with the help of change models and tools then it will increase organization efficiency, productivity, quality, and helps to produce quality product in minimum cost, otherwise it will generate organizations loss. The main objective of the organizational change is to increase quality of the product with minimum defect and earn maximum profit with investing minimum cost. 4.4. Implement changes in the organization Product quality Every organizational success is depends on his product and services. To increase product quality as per the customers requirement and comfort, because when consumers purchase your product if he will not satisfy long time with your product then he will leave your brand. Organization must continuously improve product quality and technology for the secure base in market place and increase sale of your product. If your product is good he compete with others product then automatically improve your organization profit. A good customer always customer always see the product quality. Because they wants long life comfort with the product, customers have many choices while buying a product so for that every company needs to maintain the product quality for to attract the customers. Cost of quality measurement In organization the three things are very important which are cost, time, and manpower required for the production, before producing any product every manufacturing company analyze this three things. For to maintains product quality organization must invest cost. Organization must calculate production cost and how much price he will get from the market it is very important. Organization must take care of these things when maintaining quality of the product. Because if organization produce quality product, but in market having competitors same product which having price is less than our product, if our company decrease product cost and this is less than production cost then it will generate organization loss. Sometimes it will not affect on companys sale of the product, when company having strong brand in a market place. Honda Motors have balance quality cost as per sales cost, and in the organization effective quality programs can reduce this almost, It will result making direct contribution to the profits. Honda Motors having powerful brand in market, thats why product cost not affects on product quality. This is the big advantage to the Honda Motors to earn more and more profit. To improvement of total organization performance and quality following points are important: Leadership must be important. Better implementation strategy and better planning Employee involvement should be accurate Easy and simple identification and measurement Proper Control and improvement in processes. Focusing on critical areas Honda Motors always research his critical areas and try to find solutions for how to convert these weaknesses into strengths. This strategy will helps to organization to create powerful organizational environment, and also helps to increase productivity. When Honda Motors introduce any product in the market after that they make survey in the market and finds critical areas of this product which is directly affect on his sale, for example Honda Motors introduce his new product (Honda City) which is not fuel efficient, this is appeared into customers feedback. Company focus on this area of this product, and try to find how to increase fuel efficiency in current production cost. Flexibility Organization must be flexible when any change creates, like environmental change, market changes, technological change etc at that time organization must find alternatives to solve these problems. If any machine downtime occurs at that time whole production not to be stop, it must be having alternatives to continue production process. If any employee knowing any machines operations and in case he will not able to come on work then, it must be having any alternative employee to handle this work. Flexibility in the organization is very important to smooth organization process. These all things support to increase organizations performance. Human Resource Development Employee is the major part of the organization. Managers must motivate to employees to complete their work. Arranging training sessions for the employees to the improve work efficiency. Give increments to the employees. Human resource development is also called as personnel developments consist of all activities to ensure that effective utilization of employees to completing organizational objectives. Provide good facilities to the employees where they work. Automation in production To improving organizational production processes, it must be use machines and robots for the production. This will very helpful for those organizations that are produce mass production. Automation is very useful for accuracy and fast production. It reduces manpower, cost of the production and helps to support batch production. Using automation in the organization, it increases productivity in minimum time. Minimum manpower is required. Teamwork Teamwork is the very important in organization to completing any task properly and fast. Organizational manager must motivate to employees work in team. Teamwork is very important factor to improving organization performance. It increases work efficiency. With the help of teamwork fast problems are to be solved, finds new innovative ways to completing particular task. Easily completed any task because of work is dividing in different parts. It helps to sharing new innovative ideas with the colleague, and this may be helps to increase organization performance. [1][5][7] Conclusion In the study of this assignment, we introduce new techniques for improving organizations quality. We also suggest how to manage business processes and how to improve processes. We find organizations strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threat with the help of SWOT analysis tool. We suggest how to improve product quality. In this assignment we take one case as Honda Motors and make analysis of the different factors of organization which affects on organizations quality, and we give solutions for to increase quality. This will helps to organization maintains organization as well as products quality.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dropping the Atomic Bombs :: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On August 6, 1945 a 9,000-pound bomb was loaded on the Enola Gay. At exactly 8:15:30 in the morning the massive bomb was dropped over Hiroshima. The after math left 71,000 people dead and 68,000 injured. A second bomb was dropped three days later. Nagasaki was the target this time, killing 36,000 people and injuring another 40,000. The question is why the two bombs were dropped?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Japanese government was expected to put up a fight until the very end. Which they did and that is why President Harry S. Truman wanted a quick end to the war. With a threat from the Red Army, also known as the Soviets’, to enter the war between the US and Japan it gave him all the more reason to drop these devastating bombs. Greek Mythology By Scott Martin Could you imagine yourself as being the most powerful person on the face of the earth? With an ability to summon the dead or wail lightning bolts at the snap of your fingers. Well this is how it was back during the time of Greek Mythology. I’m going to tell you about the most powerful of all the god’s and his two brothers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Zeus and his brothers drew lost of their share of the universe. Zeus came out as the supreme ruler. He was Lord of the Sky, the Rain-god, and the Cloud-gather, who welded the awful thunderbolt. However, he did not always know everything and most certainly did not see everything.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He is represented as falling in love with one woman after another. Using all kinds of tricks to hide the woman of lust from his wife. His breastplate was the aegis, a beauty to behold. His bird was the eagle and the mighty oak was his tree.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Poseidon was the ruler of the seas, Zeus’ brother and second only to him in eminence. His wife, Amphitrite was the granddaughter to the Titan Ocean. It is told that when he drove in his golden car over the waters, the thunder of the waves sank into a stillness and tranquil peace. Commonly called the â€Å"Earth-shaker† he was always seen carrying his trident, a three-pronged spear that would shake and shatter whatever he pleased.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The third brother among the Olympians, who drew his share the underworld and rule over the dead is Hades. Hades is also called Pluto, the God of Wealth. Both Roman’s and Greek’s call him by that name, but they often translate it to Dis, which is Latin for rich.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Social and Spiritual Energy in Middlemarch :: Eliot Middlemarch Essays

Social and Spiritual Energy in Middlemarch  Ã‚   I do not believe that it is sufficient to say that Middlemarch explores the ways in which social and spiritual energy can be frustrated; it would be more appropriate to say that Middlemarch explores the ways in which social and spiritual energies (ideals if you will) are completely destroyed and perverted. One need only look to Lydgate to see an example of idealism being destroyed by the environment in which it is found. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to the "young, poor and ambitious" and most of all idealistic Doctor Lydgate, who has great plans for the fever hospital in Middlemarch. Throughout the novel, however, we see his plans frustrated by the designs of others, though primarily the hypocritical desires of Nicholas Bulstrode. The second example of the idealism of the young being destroyed by the old is that of Dorothea. This can be seen by her continuing desire to "bear a larger part of the world's misery" or to learn Latin and Greek, both of which are continuall y thwarted by Casaubon, though this ends after his death, with her discovery of his selfish and suspicious nature, by way of the codicil. The character who has their ambitions and ideals brought most obviously low is Lydgate. The earliest example is when he has to make the choice between Fairbrother and Tyke. Both of these characters are rather poor examples of the clergy (Fairbrother because of his gambling, and Tyke because of his rather lazy attitude). Our sympathies are clearly with Fairbrother for a number of reasons; he doesn't gamble because he wants to, but because the wage he receives from running his parish alone is too small to support him and the various members of his family that rely on him. Lydgate has to make the choice between some one he likes as a person (Fairbrother) and someone who he needs help from (Bulstrode). It is clear that Lydgate is very similar to Fairbrother in a number of ways; both are scientists, and both have great hopes for the future. It would therefore seem to be the case that Lydgate would automatically support Fairbrother. However, Bulstrode uses his money and his influence to en sure Tyke's success. Bulstrode is another example of a character that has had his idealism and destroyed, though not by Middlemarch.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Anosognosia for Hemiplegia: A Window into Self-Awareness :: Stoke Medical Essays

Anosognosia for Hemiplegia: A Window into Self-Awareness You wake up in a hospital bed, scared, confused, and attached to a network of tubes and beeping equipment. After doctors assault you with a barrage of questions and tests, your family emerges from the sea of unfamiliar faces surrounding you and explains what has happened; you have had a stroke in the right half of your brain, and you are at least temporarily paralyzed on your left side. You wiggle your left toes to test yourself; everything seems normal. You lift your left arm to show your family that you are obviously not paralyzed. However, this demonstration does not elicit the happy response you expect; it only causes your children to exchange worried glances with the doctors. No matter how many times you attempt to demonstrate movement in the left half of your body, the roomful of people insists that you are paralyzed. And you are, you just do not know it. How is this possible? You are suffering from anosognosia, a condition in which an ill patient is unaware of her own ill ness or the deficits resulting from her illness (1). Anosognosia occurs at least temporarily in over 50% of stroke victims who suffer from paralysis on the side of the body opposite the stroke, a condition known as hemiplegia (1). Patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia insist they can do things like lift both legs, touch their doctor's nose with a finger on their paralyzed side, and walk normally (2). These patients are much less likely to regain independence after their stroke than patients without anosognosia, primarily because they overestimate their own abilities in unsafe situations (3). However, the implications of the illness go far beyond those for patients who suffer from it; anosognosia brings questions of the origin of self-awareness to the forefront. How can someone lose the ability to know when she is or is not moving? Is this some type of elaborate Freudian defense mechanism, or is this person entirely unaware of her illness? How is self-awareness represented in the brain, and is this representation isolated from o r attached to awareness of others? Though none of these questions are fully answerable at this time, research into anosognosia has provided scientists and philosophers with insight into some of these ancient questions of human consciousness. The question of "denial" versus "unawareness" is at the heart of debate between psychologists and neurologists about the origin of anosognosia (3). Anosognosia for Hemiplegia: A Window into Self-Awareness :: Stoke Medical Essays Anosognosia for Hemiplegia: A Window into Self-Awareness You wake up in a hospital bed, scared, confused, and attached to a network of tubes and beeping equipment. After doctors assault you with a barrage of questions and tests, your family emerges from the sea of unfamiliar faces surrounding you and explains what has happened; you have had a stroke in the right half of your brain, and you are at least temporarily paralyzed on your left side. You wiggle your left toes to test yourself; everything seems normal. You lift your left arm to show your family that you are obviously not paralyzed. However, this demonstration does not elicit the happy response you expect; it only causes your children to exchange worried glances with the doctors. No matter how many times you attempt to demonstrate movement in the left half of your body, the roomful of people insists that you are paralyzed. And you are, you just do not know it. How is this possible? You are suffering from anosognosia, a condition in which an ill patient is unaware of her own ill ness or the deficits resulting from her illness (1). Anosognosia occurs at least temporarily in over 50% of stroke victims who suffer from paralysis on the side of the body opposite the stroke, a condition known as hemiplegia (1). Patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia insist they can do things like lift both legs, touch their doctor's nose with a finger on their paralyzed side, and walk normally (2). These patients are much less likely to regain independence after their stroke than patients without anosognosia, primarily because they overestimate their own abilities in unsafe situations (3). However, the implications of the illness go far beyond those for patients who suffer from it; anosognosia brings questions of the origin of self-awareness to the forefront. How can someone lose the ability to know when she is or is not moving? Is this some type of elaborate Freudian defense mechanism, or is this person entirely unaware of her illness? How is self-awareness represented in the brain, and is this representation isolated from o r attached to awareness of others? Though none of these questions are fully answerable at this time, research into anosognosia has provided scientists and philosophers with insight into some of these ancient questions of human consciousness. The question of "denial" versus "unawareness" is at the heart of debate between psychologists and neurologists about the origin of anosognosia (3).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Final Business Plan

[pic] University of Technology Jamaica Entrepreneurial Skills Business Plan Business Idea: Spot Charge Group: B. Eng. 2M (ca) Date: April 11, 2007Group members Lecturer: Mr. Clive GrossettDexroy Jones Dwayne McIntoch Mckay Kirkpatrick Binns Calford Ramsay Keon Hinds (3M art) Executive Summary ________________________________________ †¢ Introduction Swiff Electronics is a start-up cell phone accessory and electronic distribution company. Its strategy is to provide all cell phone users who have continuous dead battery while engaging in an important call or entertaining entertainment selection. It will capitalize on the intricate engineering design and manufactured product that is capable of recharge a cell phone. There are many untapped potential markets within this industry, as the desire for high-quality; stylish goods that are convenient, affordable, and easily sourced are in great demand. It is the firm's intention to import products from the leaders of electronic, Teqtronics and introduce it to a target population within Jamaica’s Metropolitan or corporate area and to make Swiff Electronic a house hold name customer come to know and trust. To do this the company's long-term goals are to achieve a 20% market share in the Jamaica’s build brand image and brand equity through marketing, achieve a sustainable 55% profit margin, and eventually produce our very own luxury product in addition to the initial, moderately-priced line. †¢ The company Swiff Electronic is a limited liability corporation in which the sourcing of the product offered â€Å"Spot Charge† is done internationally while the marketing and sales are focused in and around the corporate areas of Kingston Jamaica, for short term purposes. Ownership is divided among five principal individuals who are putting up the initial investment. These include: Dexroy Jone – Managing Director, Keon Hinds – head of Finance and administration, Calford Ramsay Head of Marketing and Human Resources, Dwayne McKay McIntoch Head of Product Development and Kirkpatrick Binns Head of Operations. The First outlet of Swiff Electronics will be located at 13 Duke Street, Down Town Kingston, Jamaica. The present location is approximately 700 square meters and should be large enough for the first three years of the company's growth. The portable Chargers will be stored at the Duke Street location and will be dispatched to different location based on demand and agreement signed with our feature business partners. †¢ The product The initial product line will depict the full effect of the product that will be offered, inclusive of a range of different colors and possibility the opportunity to personalize. The company plans to release more models, which will be integrated as we aim to give customs a wide selection to choose from. The pricing strategy will be to initially undercut our main competitors by selling at a minimal profit, using a market penetration strategy. Then, pricing will be adjusted to be directly competitive with the other major competitors. The price per Spot Charge is expected to be unbelievably affordable. †¢ The market Entry into the telecommunication/electronics industry comes at a prosperous time. Over the past two years, the purchases of cell phone have increased vastly and the trend is expected to continue once the cell phone manufactures continues to introduce new features to their designs. This will only adversely widen our market as individual continues to seek charge â€Å"Where ever, when ever†. One of the most important recent trends is that cell phone users are willing to spend higher amounts on their phones because of the enhanced image appeal and reliability. Therefore, a company that can build a substantial brand image in this industry gains a significant competitive advantage. It is the aim of Swiff Electronics to capitalize on its high quality and reasonable price while pursuing the innovative styles necessary for brand building. †¢ Financial The company's start up costs will be $ . Owners equity will be provide $ , $ will consist of short-term borrowing, and the rest will be long-term loans. The majority of the start-up costs will consist of rent, research and development, initial inventory, and a strong cash account. Mission Statement ____________________________________ Swiff Electronics mission is simple and straightforward: †¢ Purpose – Swiff Electronics exists to provide a faster, more reliable source of power for all mobile phone users. Swiff Electronics sells solutions & results! †¢ Vision – By providing fast response, informed expertise, and consistently high quality solutions, Swiff Electronics aims to generate enough satisfied repeat customers to provide a stable retainer base. This will generates sufficient profit to provide a comfortable living for the owner. †¢ Mission – The short term objective is to start this company quickly and inexpensively, with minimum debt. The long term objective is to grow the company into a stable and profitable entity that the owner can easily and comfortably manage. Marketing Slogan – â€Å"Spot Charge where ever, when ever! † Keys to Success The keys to success for Swiff Electronics are: †¢ Marketing and Networking (getting the name out there). †¢ Responsiveness (being an on-call supplier paramedic with fast response time). †¢ Quality (getting the job done right the first time, offering 99. 9% or greater guarantee). †¢ Re lationships (developing loyal repeat customers – retainers). Analysis of the business environment ____________________________________ Jamaica’s telecommunication sector is dominated by three major players, and a number of small entities that presently supply all the electronic accessories that Jamaican’s my need for there cell phone. It has been observed however that none of these companies provide the ease or accessibility of charging your phone â€Å"where you want, when you want†, Thus the reason why Swiff Electronics has been developed. Over the past five years, the rate of failure of industries in Jamaica has remains relatively steady, and the implementation of new businesses and organization has marginally increased. Swiff Electronics will be a new organization that is not yet established and has not yet developed its clientele. However the fact that the market for call phones keeps growing, as manufactures aim to convert a product that was once used only for communication, to a new revolutionized product that consist of attention grabbing entertainment. The need to keep the batteries of these fascinating gadgets charged â€Å"Where ever, when ever† has arisen, Thus giving Swiff Electrons the operation to be very profitable once the right marketing approach is taken. Presently there are trend that are been experienced in the industry which are classified as positive or negative depending on the effects these trend have on particular businesses. These trends include: †¢ Positive *implementation of additional features to the ordinary phones *Reducing the size of the gadgets *Reduction in pricing causing more individuals to be able to afford a phone †¢ Negative *modification of batteries to have longer life *Developing unique charging outlet that would be difficult to source Over the past year the population of the marketing community has been generally stable based on results obtained form the Statistical Institute of Jamaica. The attitude of the community toward the business has been favorable as the results were seen in a feasibility study that was done in and around the marketing community. Description of product ____________________________________ The Spot Charge, as its name implies is a miniature device, very handy portable charger which is operated on a single AA battery and is able to power up any cell phone batter in minutes. Pretty compacted and stylish, the Spot charge is like a tube and is small enough to be fitted anywhere. So be it anywhere in the world, you can charge up your phone battery anytime by just plugging one end of the Spot Charge adapter into the unit and the other into the cell your phone. Not only will it charge the battery, thanks to its design you can handle your cell phone while it is charging. There is a blue light at one end of the Spot charge that indicates when cell phones is being charge, and if the light goes out simply replace the battery. Spot Charge is ideal during power outages and when camping, hiking or sailing. It gives you the opportunity to make and receive calls as soon as you plug it in. This device is able to power up a cell phone for two hour of talk time or 40 hours of standby time on one AA battery (included). It â€Å"Trickle† charges an average cell phone in 1 ? hours, and comes with a charging adapter that is compatible with: Motorola (Motorola ROKR, Motorola RAZR) Audiovox Kyocera Samsung Nokia Sanyo Sony Ericsson LG cell phone – even Blackberry PDAs! Spot Charge 3† long x ? diameter and weigh less than 1 oz. Analysis of the competition ____________________________________ Based on preliminary investigation and survey of the market, there were no companies or organizations supplying the product that we are introducing to this market area, Therefore when it comes to identical portable chargers like the Spot Charger there are no real competitors. There are however products that provi des that same services as the Spot Charge. These products includes car charger, house hold chargers, which are provided by the following companies. Cable and Wireless ? Digicel ? Centennial Miphone ____________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________ Production selection Market share Product Quality Quality of service Amount of advertising and production Pricing Workforce turnover Workforce Financial condition Level of debt Equipment Production capacity ____________________________________________________________ _____________ Pricing Strategies ____________________________________ The pricing strategy that Swiff Electronics will be using is to initially undercut our main competitors by selling our product with a small profit of 3%, using a market penetration strategy. Then after getting a share in the market, pricing will be adjusted to be directly competitive with our other major competitors. Swiff Electronics will also maximize sale by spreading the name of the company and products offered by taking part I seasonal sales that will comprise: ? The use of coupons ? Bundle pricing This will be done to capture the attention of the public in the peak shopping seasons. For customers who purchase our product and require the product to be shipped to then, Swiff electronics will comply with these requests; however the total price of the product will now include the additional cost for shipping. Credit Policy Swiff electronics credit policy will not be the regular policies that we know exist in the business world. What we will be introducing is a policy called â€Å"cash on delivery†, what this therefore means is that we deliver the goods and our customers will pay us on the spot. Considering the kind of product we are introducing to the market and that we have no real competition there is no doubt that this policy will work. No other product in Jamaica can do what the spot charge does. This is certainly an advantage in the business that gives us the opportunity to do with our product whatever pleases. Competitive advantage There are no real competitors because Spot charge is new to the market but what we have are potential competitors. The advantages expected would be compared to businesses offering services that are not exactly like Swiff electronics. The quality, price, location and turnaround of the business will all be an advantage over potential competitors. The quality of the product is second to none and the price compares to that of the cost of items that would provide similar service (car charger, regular phone charger etc. ) but the advantage we have is that none of those items are portable and discrete as the spot charge. Market segmentation The market segmentation is divided into the leading target markets. The division reflects the differences in marketing strategy that will be used to target each different market. The â€Å"yuppies† who enjoy being the first on their block to have a new, â€Å"chic† and â€Å"hip† product. †¢ The â€Å"yuppies† who follow trends and buy products that everyone else has. †¢ Older adults who simply use and depend on their cell phone for business or pleasure. †¢ Average college students who seeks convenience while indulging in entertainment. â₠¬ ¢ Technologically advance senior citizens. †¢ The individual who engage in long distance trips who are plagued by dead battery. †¢ Market analysis Potential | | | |Customers |Expected growth |Approximate numbers | | |2% |10,000 | |New | | | |Yuppies | | | | |3% |20,000 | |Trend | | | |Yuppies | | | | |2% |10,000 | |Older | | | |Adults | | | | |5% |15,000 | |College | | | |Students | | | | |1% |2,000 | |Senior | | | |Citizen | | | | |3. % |5,000 | |Other | | | | |16. 5% |47,000 | |Total | | | Description of Location ____________________________________ Based on results gathered from a feasibility study that was done regarding or product â€Å"Spot Charge†. Majority of the individuals who would welcome Spot Charge a part of their daily routine resides outside the metropolitan area of down town Kingston. A decision was agreed on by all executive members to locate the first business outlet of Swiff Electronics, within close proximity of the heart of down town Kingston. This would give us an advantage to bring Spot Charge closer to those who have a higher level in interest in the product. A Survey of the down town area was also carried out, to find out in which area Swiff Electronics would be more profitable. The result of that survey led us to source a shop space that is located at 13 Duke Street. Duke Street is one of the most busiest streets, in the down town area that Is not only populated by commercial entities but also other small businesses that are doing exceptionally well, which is as a result of their location. With Swiff Electronics being a new kid on the block and the only Electronic/cell phone accessory dealer, we are expecting to welcome a number of curious shopper as well as individuals who are knowledgeable about our product and services. Promotional Plan ____________________________________ The ultimate promotional goal of Swiff electronics is to: †¢ To communication with the target group and create awareness and interest in the service Spot Charge has to offer. To increase the use of Spot Charge, hence eliminate the break in communication associated with dead cell phone batteries. †¢ To acquire an increase in revenue. †¢ To enhance name recognition There are many ways to market the service offered by the product Spot Charge, however, the strateg ies listed below represent a few cost-effective ways to accomplish the marketing objective. Communication Mix In communicating with the target group, we will use a combination of communication channels such as advertising, publicity, promotions and personal selling. Because people need to hear a message many times from a variety of sources, we will employ a combination of these with a variety of approaches. Advertising Strategy |Management & Implementation |Funding | | |Tasks |Responsibility |Time Frame | | |Utilization of Monitors( big screen |Identify what monitors are available in areas | |Ongoing | | |TV) that are placed in prime areas |frequented by course coordinators |Promotions Committee | | | |eg Libraries, supermarkets and |Identify message content | | | | |universities and schools etc. | | | | | |Banner in campus cafes and other |investigate possibility with cafes to pay |Promotions Committee |April– June 2007 | | |strategic locations |what message (link with Free coffee promotion | | | | | |below) | | | | |Television ads. Radio advertisement |Develop appropriate ads emphasizing the |Promotions Committee |Ongoing | | | |benefits of owning a Spot Charge | | | | Publicity |Strategy |Management & Implementation |Funding | | |Tasks |Responsibility |Time Frame | | |Donate time and funds to |Identify charitable organizations and investigate |Promotions Committee |July 2007 | | |charitable organization such as|possible ways of offering time and funding. | | | |Children homes and Juvenile | | | | | |Correctional centers | | | | | |Writing articles for the local |Produce article with relevant information on the |Promotions Committee |July 2007 | | |newspaper concerning grand |benefits of Spot Charge | | | | |entrance of Spot Charge | | | | | Promotions |Strategy |Management & Implementation |Funding | | |Tasks |Responsibility |Time Frame | | |Presentation of promotional |Letter text & printing/ Design brochures. |Promotions Committee |End of August 2007 | | |product, letter, and brochures |Investigate associated cost. | | | | |at well developed companies, |Print brochures. | | | |Shopping centers and other | | | | | |frequently visited locations | | | | | |Incentive promotion with phone |Investigate how it will work and ways to verify |Promotions Committee |September 2007 | | |companies- get product at |eligibility | | | | |discounted price with the | | | | | |purchase of any phone. | | | | |Web site |web site of resources and information about Spot |Promotions Committee |September 2007 | | | |Charge and generic attributes | | | | |Video message on web or email |Investigate costs & how to do this |Promotions Committee |September 2007 | | | |Identify a key message we wish to use it to | | | | | |deliver. | | | | Management and personnel Swiff Electronics is currently not hiring any employees. The decision has been made to postpone hiring until the company begins to succeed. After approximately one year, there employees will be added to the current five. |Organizational Structure | | Swiff Electronics is split functionality, In that each division of the company is managed by one of the co-owner of the group. |Management Team | | Dexroy Jones is the managing director, and founder of Swiff electronics. Jones was president of production at Swiss Army Watches before he decided to return to his native home land to start his own company. He graduated from the University of Technology Jamaica, and received an MBA at The Florida International University. Calford Ramsay: head of Marketing and Human Resources division. He has worked and co-owned Wright and Ramsay, an advertising agency, for fifteen years. Ramsay received a BA and MBA from University of Technology Jamaica â€Å"UTech†. Dwayne McKay McIntoch: Head of product development division. He was previously vice president of operations at Greentree Sports in Phoenix, AZ. He received his BA from Caribbean Maritime Institute Jamaica â€Å"CMI† and his MBA from UCLA. Keyon Hinds: Financial Controller and head of administration. He was previously financial controller of French Collection for United Kingdom †FCUK† for seven years. He has returned home to provide his knowledge and expertise in the building of Swiff Electronics. He received his BA at the University of Technology Jamaica and a MBA at Cambridge University. |Kirkpatrick Binns: Operation manager. Binns is the owner of Legendary Manufactures and has worked as operation manager for six years at Docks producers in | |Martha’s Vineyard. He has received a B. Sc. at the University of Technology Jamaica and a MBA at Texas A&M University. | | | | |Management Team Gaps | | The following important gaps exist: †¢ The present team has little sales experience. †¢ There is no current in-house designer – this should be corrected within a year. †¢ There is no international manager. †¢ Personnel The personnel plan calls for adding three employees by the end of the first year for a total of eight. After the second year, employment is expected to increase by another four. These new employees will go into production and sales. Swiff Electronics aims to provide the finest services to its employees. In fulfilling this aim the company provides benefits for all full time employees which include: ? Health plan ? Life insurance ? pension plan The company also observes all public calendar holidays. For public holidays, salary paid employees will receive a day off, and hourly paid employee will receive double pay for the hours worked on these days. All employees are also entitled to three sick days per month however only full time employees will receive pay for these periods. Vacation time is available for all employees having being with the company for a minimum of one year. The following give detail has to how the time is allotted: |NUMBER |VACATION | |OF YEARS |TIME (working days) | |1 |5 | |2 – 4 |14 | |4 and over |28 | For employees who may experience a death in the family they will be eligible for additional days off. For death within the immediate family, employees will receive 4 working days off (spouse, children, parent etc. , and 2 working days off for other members of the family (cousin, uncle, aunt etc. ). The company will also present a floral presentation to the team member who has experience such tragedy. Swiff Electronics hiring policies are governed by: ? Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts ? Age Discrimination Law ? The Americans with Disability Act ? The Family Leave Act As the company gives equal opportunity to all applicants irrespective of the colour of their skin, religious believe, age, nationality, disability and sexual orientation. Organizational Chart [pic] Work Schedule [pic] Work period April 9, 2007 – April 15 , 2007 Approved by_________________________ | |Names | |ITEM |QUANTITY NEEDED |PRICE FOR EACH |TOTAL PRICE | |Desk |5 |4080 |20400 | |Chairs |8 |3200 |25600 | |Shelving |9 |3700 |33300 | |Lounge chairs |3 |6900 |20700 | | | | | | |Total for furniture and fixtures |100000 | Machinery / Equipment | |Computers |3 |40000 |120000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Total for machinery and equipment |120000 | |Checklist for start-up cost |Inventory | |57,866,000 | |Furniture and fixtures | |100,000 | |Machinery and equipment | |120,000 | |Prepaid expenses | | | |Insurance |150,000 | | |Grand opening advertising |70,000 | | |Legal fees |80,000 | | |Accounting fees | | | |Employees wages |300,000 | | |Other | | | |Total prepaid expenses | |600,000 | |deposits | | | |lease |120,000 | | |Utility | | | |Tax |994,500 | | |other |50,000 | | |Total deposits | |1,299,500 | |Building and renovation | | | |If purchased | | | |Sales price | | |Construction /renovation | | | |If le ased | | | |Leasehold improvements | | | |Total location cost | |0 | |Working capital | | | |Owners salary |500,000 | | |Employees salary | | | |Employee taxes | | | |Rent | | | |Advertising | | | |Utilities | | | |Supplies | | | |Telephone | | | |Legal/accounting fees | | | |Loan payment | | | |Repairs/maintenance | | | |Auto/travel expenses | | | |inventory | | | |miscellaneous | | | |Total working capital | |500,000 | |Total Start-up cost 60,350,500 | Financing 1. What are your total start-up costs? $ 60,350,500 2. How much will you invest from personal funds? $350,000 3. How much will you obtain in other equity? 0 4. How much will you borrow? $60,000,000 Bank loan$ 5,000,000 Borrowed for 5 years at 17% interest Finance companies $55,000,000 Borrowed for 7 years at 16. 45% Opening Day Balance Sheet Assets Current assets Cash (working capital)500,000 Supplies Prepaid expenses465,000 Inventory 57,866,000 Total current assets$ 58,831,000 Fixed assets Furniture/fixtures100,000 Machinery/equipment120,000 Renovations Total fixed assets 220,000 Total assets$ 59,051,000 Liabilities Current liabilities Long term debt 60,000,000 Total current liabilities Long term liabilities Total long term$ 60,000,000 Total liabilities$ 60,000,000 Equity Total liabilities and equity Projected Income Statement Sales |72,332,500 | |cost of goods sold | | |beginning inventory |0 | |+ purchases |57,866,000 | |+ freight |0 | |- ending inventory |0 | |= cost of goods sold |57,866,000 | | | | |Gross margin |14,466,500 | |Expenses | | |Employee wages |300,000 | |Legal |80,000 | |Advertising |95,000 | |Rent |120,000 | |Depreciation | | |Supplies | |Utili ties |5000 | |Telephone |3300 | |Interest | | |Repairs | | |Taxes |994,500 | |Insurance |150,000 | |Miscellaneous | | |Total expenses |1,747,800 | |Net profit |12,718,700 | |Less: income | -3,179,675 | |Less: self employed tax | -890,309 | |Net profit after tax |8,648,716 | |Jan |Feb | |Rent |120,000 | | |Telephone | |3,300 | |Legal | 80,000 | | |Insurance |150,000 | | |Total |350,000 |3,300 | Determine breakeven Contribution margin Projected sales for first year$ 198,738,715 Gross margin$ 173,598,000 Contribution margin =. 87 Break even Total fixed expense4,200,000 Contribution margin0. 87 Break even point BE= 4,200,000/0. 87 = $4,827,586. 21 Legalities ____________________________________ Swiff Electronics is a partnership or limited liability company. The decision to choose this organization form is as a result of legalities that surround our organization. Being a limited liability organization gives us the opportunity to pull together the needed funding as well as a profound and well grounding decision making team. Calfrod Ramsay the Marking manager is currently in discussion with the producers of our product, making agreement to be the main distributor of the Spot Charge within our marketing environment. With that agreement finalize no other company would have legal right to purchase or be a distributor for the manufacture of Spot Charge within this market. Insurance Requirements ____________________________________ In ensuring the safety of our employees and property is . Swiff Suppliers ____________________________________ Swiff Electronics source all its products from Teqtronics Manufacturing located in China. Although there are not the only suppliers, Teqtronics has proven to be more consistent in their business agreements and the quality of the product they offer. They are also the only producers of the brand and type of Spot Charge that we will be marketing. The credit terms offered by Teqtronics are unbeatable and they give us the opportunity to choose the quantity of products we would like to order based on the demand of our customers. Uncontrollable risks ____________________________________ There are a number of uncontrollable risks that plagues new businesses that are now on the list of Swiff Electronics. These risks include: ? Natural disasters – Hurricanes – Storms – Flood etc. ? Rate of inflation ? Changes in technology ? Changes in consumer tasks and life style ? New competition ? The continuous decrease in value of our dollar vs. our counterparts Conclusion ____________________________________ [pic] ———————– Managing Director Dexroy Jones Financial Controller/ Administration Keon Hinds Marketing and HR Manager Calford Ramsay Product Development Dwayne McKay McIntoch Marketing and sales TBA Operations manager Kirkpatrick Binns Administrative Assistant TBA Marketing and Sales TBA